Sam Harley had no intention of helping Dr. Mitchell with her problem

of solving a murder.

He had not formally in writing agreed to Dr. Mitchell’s proposal.

Sam had better things to do with his precious time.

There was his new love interest, Claudia Weiss.

He wanted to get to know her better.

Claudia was beautiful, well-educated and was fearsome.

She was definitely Sam’s type.

Unfortunately, Sam had to put Claudia on hold for the weekend

because his best friend, Congressman/Agent Jamison was visiting for a few days.

Sam called it a GUYS WEEKEND minus women.

Claudia was a good sport and accepted Sam’s plans for being alone with his buddy.

She decided to go shopping with her Country Club friends

and hang out by the pool and gossip.

Sam kissed Claudia good-bye and promised to take her on a trip.

“Where would that be Sam?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I do love surprises.”

With a wave of her hand Claudia was off.

(To be continued)

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