

Sam was headed to India, alone, to rescue Misty, one more time.

During his flight to India he decided to write her a poem similarly

to her poem she wrote to him and left in the Venice Library.


You’re the one I can’t live without

This fact is true, I have no doubt

I love the way you smile at me

I love the way together we’re free

Because you are who you are

And I can see your beauty inside and out

Which is what threw me the first time that I saw you

I knew I must steal your heart

I hope that it’s mine for ever

And that we never do part

You are the one I love the most

And to this here fact I propose a toast;

May we grow old and still have fun

Because I love you and my heart you’ve won

Love forever & ever, Sam


Satisfied with his poem, Sam stuck it in his pocket to give to Misty.

He journey had begun.

His heart was beating faster and faster as he walked up

the hill to the Monastery.

Misty was working in the garden when she noticed a figure making

it’s way up the hill.

She froze; no, could it be Sam?

She dropped her watering can and started towards the gate.


Yes, it was…it was her Sam Houston.


Misty was filled with joy, her prayers had been answered.


She ran to greeted him. He held her tight and kissed her.

Sam had rescued her, again.





Meanwhile in Washington DC, two Federal Agents made an appearance at

David Davidson’s office at the Agency.

“David, all we want is the girl, Misty Mars.”

“Girl? You are calling her a girl? Miss Mars is a top female agent in

this Agency. Do you hear me? No, you can’t have access to her now.

She’s on a special assignment.”

“David, we need her to testify at Morse’s trial in Chicago.”

“Find another way to prosecute him without my agent.

That’s final. Period.”

David buzzed Marie to show the two agents the way out.

“Good day, Mr. Davidson. The Justice Department is not going to

happy about this.”

“I really don’t care.” David answered them and walked them out

of his office.

A few hours later, David Davidson heard from the Justice Department, they

would not pursue Misty Mars testimony in the Morse trial.

She was free.

David was relieved when he heard the news. His first call was to

James Jamison and then he placed a call to Michael Majors.

(to be continued)





Misty was hidden away in India. 

She was in contact with few people at the monastery;

mostly with her spiritual guide, Aseem.

They were becoming good friends.

Together they chanted for an hour each day at sunrise.

During the day, Misty worked in the vegetable and flower gardens.

Her thoughts always turned to Sam.

It was so peaceful in her hideaway…that she was sure Sam would like India.

Maybe, someday, he would see it for himself.


One evening, Misty awoke suddenly and sat up in bed.


“He found my letter.”


She didn’t know what time it was but she was sure of one thing;

Sam would not come looking for her.

Misty got out of bed and got down on her knees.

The stone floor was cold and damp but she prayed for Sam and herself.

Praying that they would be together again, soon.


(to be continued)




Sam Houston and James Jamison were on their way to Tuscany to go to church.


It was Sunday morning and they planned on going to Mass

at the small church that Misty and Sam attended when

they spent the weekend at the farm house.


Sam had a feeling that Father Riley was the key to finding Misty.


When Mass began, another younger priest officiated the Mass

and gave a sermon, “ how to save your soul.”


Sam and James sat patiently and listened to the sermon;

maybe they needed their souls saved.


After Mass, Sam and James met up with the younger priest

and asked about Father Riley.


“Where is Father Riley?”


“Oh, Father Riley, was called to the Vatican to meet with the Cardinals.

Is there something I can assist you with?”


“No, we were hoping to talk about a young woman who came with me

a few months back. We attended service here.”


“I see…I’m sorry I can’t help you. We get very few visitors here;

mostly the locals attend Mass here.”


Sam and James thanked the young priest and started to walk away,

when the priest said, “Oh, there was a young woman who came to tea a

few weeks back. She was an American and very delightful.

We all enjoyed her company.”

Sam expression changed from sad to happy in an instant.


“Do you know her name?”


“I think she said Amelia. Sorry, I don’t remember her last name.

She was on her way to India.”




“Yes, Father Riley spoke to her about a monastery in India,

very quiet and secluded.”


“Do you remember the name of the monastery?”


“I have it in the Rectory. Let me get it for you.”


When the priest left for the Rectory, Sam looked at James and said,

“I think we just found Misty.”


“You mean, Amelia. It must be her new name.”


After a few minutes, the priest returned with the name of the

monastery in India.


Sam took the piece of paper the name was written on

and handed the priest a large and generous offering for the church.


“Why, thank you. May God bless you. Go in Peace.”


( to be continued)




“Tell me why are we in the library this morning, Sam?”

“It’s not just a library, it’s the Marciana library.

Misty brought me here during our engagement weekend. I love the way she sees the world differently; she has a fascination with art and architecture.”

“And why is that so different?”

“James, she is so real and alive with energy.”

“So, why are we here, I ask, again?”

“Misty left me a love poem in one of the books here in the library. She told me to find it and read it one day when I needed her. So, I have come back to retrieve it.”

James was standing in the library next to Sam and not believing what he was hearing. Had Sam gone crazy. Where was that letter?

“Sam, I don’t know how you expect to find a letter in this huge place. Just look around you. This could take weeks to find it.”

“Ah, yes, James, but I have an idea where it could be; under the title of Famous Love poems. Come with me.”

The two men climbed the stairs to a second level where it was dark and cold and spider webs handing from the ceiling. It was not an inviting place to be but Sam heard his heart beating louder. He told James that he sure that this was the place.

At the end of a long row of books stood a small round table with a white tablecloth covering it. There were two peitie chairs stationed nearby the table. Sam took a seat and looked at the books around him. There was a red covered book that was minus the dust like the rest of the books stationed next to it.

“Look, James, This is the only book without the dust. It must be the one.”

“I hope for your sake it is because it’s creepy up here.”

James took the seat across from Sam and waited for Sam to open the red book.

As Sam, predicted, this was the book where the poem was hidden inside. He opened the book and read the poem out loud:


My Dearest Sam,

I love you until the end of time.

When you are far away from me.

I love you more and more,

Every day, every minute, every second.

When you are there with me I was happy,

But now I am sad, because you’re not here with me.

The importance of your love  to me is greater than myself.

My life starts from you,

And my journey ends on you.

You are the person Whom I love so much

And Forever, Till the end of the world…

I know you will always there with me,

In the journey of my life.

I know we will make mistakes,

But I know that you’re there with me,

Always, Inside my heart, And near my soul…

Love, Misty


“Sam, it’s a beautiful poem, but can we go now?

You see, she’s coming back to you. Don’t try to find her and put your life in danger.

You two will have a lifetime together.”


“James, you are like a brother to me and I trust you.

I’ll call off the hunt for now but, there’s still one more thing I need to do.

Will you come with me?”


“Sure, Sam, where are we going?”


“To church, my brother, to church.”


(to be continued)



Michael Majors had settled into Italy and waited for his next move.

He was warned that James Jamison was in town and planning to assist Sam Houston in locating Misty Mars. Now, he knew that, that would never happen under his watch.

Majors didn’t like Sam or James. He saw them as competition besides he was more interested in James’ wife, Caroline Clarke Jamison. She would be a prize for him, he wanted her, all to himself.

In the meantime, Majors kept busy with the local Italian women; they entertained him and he was pleased with their offerings.

His hired guards looked after the goings on of Misty Mars in India and reported to him daily. Majors was happy in Italy waiting and waiting for Sam or James to make a move.

( to be continued )






Sam and James agreed to meet at a local restaurant in Venice for their “talk”.

At first, Sam was on the defensive with James. He didn’t want to heard what he had to say. Sam was in love with Misty and wanted to find her at any cost.


“Sam, please get hold of your emotions for a minute. Think about your future, your sons…”
“James, you still don’t get it. I don’t want to live without her.”

“Okay, I get it; but you know that Michael Majors works both sides; the British and U.S. intelligence. David thinks that he is going to take you out. Neither David or I want to see that happen. We have been friends since our college days, Sam. Please call off the hunt for Misty before you get yourself killed.”

Sam looked at James and saw his face. His best friend and fellow agent really cared about his welfare. He picked up his glass of wine and saluted James.

“Thank you, James, you have always been there for me and I appreciate it. Let’s talk about something else. How long are you in Venice?”

“Sometimes, I want to ring your neck, Sam Houston.”

They both laughed and decided to order more drinks

and enjoy dinner together as old friends.

( to be continued)







Congressman James Jamison was on a break from Congress, one of many they take during the year. Since David Davidson knew his schedule he assigned him to take care of an upcoming potential problem involving Sam Houston.

Sam Houston was assigned to a desk job in Venice. He was not liking being away from his fiancée, Misty Mars, who had gone into hiding. The Agency had sent her away before the Chicago Mob could get to her. Sam was on the hunt to find her.

James arrived in Venice via water taxi and checked into his hotel before contacting Sam.

“Hello Sam.”

“Hey, James nice to hear from you. How’s Caroline and the kiddies?”

“Everyone is doing great, back home in Texas.”

“Where are you, James? In Washington DC, again?”

“No, Sam, I’m here in Venice.”

“What? Why?”

“Sam, we are worried about you. We need to talk.”

(to be continued)










Chanting of the “OM” Mantra purifies the environment around you

and creates positive vibrations.

Misty was meditating at her retreat, located high in the hills, in India.

Misty had learned that chanting of the mantra, “OM”, would take her on

a spiritual journey  to greater happiness.

She must have patience because mantras

were not overnight fixes

to her problems.

Her instructor, Aseem, told her that through chanting and meditation,

she could have better control over her emotions, thus allowing her

to see situations

with a clear and rational mind.

Yes, this was what Misty needed in her life.

Maybe, Sam should try this chanting and meditating.

She made a note of telling him, if she ever saw him again.

More chanting…OM, OM, OM…..


(to be continued)



“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

David Davidson, head of the Agency, made a phone call to his agent

who was also, Congressman James Jamison.

“Hello, James, I need your help.”

“David, sure anything. What’s going on?”

David explained to James that he thought that Sam Houston

was a target for assassination and he needed James in Italy, ASAP ,

to take care of the matter; once and for all. David was not going to lose

a top agent to a rogue British agent, Michael Majors.

James assured him that it would be a pleasure to take care of Majors.

Besides, Sam was his best friend.

When James got off the phone with David, he went upstairs

to pack his duffle bag for a short trip to Venice, Italy.


“James, where are you going?”

“I have an assignment in Italy.”

“What’s it about?”

“You know I can’t tell you. But I will tell you it has to do with our best friend.”


“Sam? Please tell me, James.”


“Caroline, I love you, take care of our children. Hopefully, I’ll be back

in a few days. If not, you know what to do. We have prepared for this day.”


James kissed Caroline and held her tight. He wanted to remember her just

as she was that moment. There was a good chance, he might not make

it back home again.

“James, I love you.”

“Caroline, I love you more.” With that being said, James picked up

his bag and left the ranch in Texas and headed to Italy. He had business

to take care and his best friend was in need of his help.

(to be continued)