Sam & Cinnamon Saga #54


Let the Wedding Party begin !

Sam and Cinnamon danced the night away with

their friends.

James danced with his beautiful wife, Caroline.

Ginger was very happy to be her husband, David.

No one noticed Conrad and the Admiral having words with

each other in the back of the room.

Finally, the two stopped arguing

and put their arms each other

and walked to the bar.

They put their differences aside for the night.

Sam smiled at Cinnamon,

“You see it all worked out, my love.”

“Ahh, my Sam. Now, let’s cut the cake.”

wedding cake

After the cake cutting, Sam and Cinnamon slipped

out of their party to be alone

and start their honeymoon.

Sam was taking Cinnamon to St. Croix

for their honeymoon.


Sam & Cinnamon Saga #52


Cinnamon was ready to walk down the aisle with her Father.

Conrad took Cinnamon’s arm and started to walk with her

when the Admiral interrupted the walk.

“Conrad, I think you owe this pleasure.”

“Sorry, Admiral, not now or ever. Stand aside

and let us past by, we have a wedding to attend.”

“I’m sorry, too, Conrad, but you have taken my place

with Cinnamon for the last time.

I should have done this long ago.”

The Admiral punched Conrad and

knocked him to the ground.

“Cinnamon, shall we?”

Cinnamon smiled at the Admiral and took his hand

and walked down the aisle to Sam.

(to be continued)

Sam & Cinnamon Saga #51


Sam and Cinnamon posed for pictures before the ceremony.

The guests were seated and waited for the couple to appear.

Conrad, Cabot and the Admiral made small talk among themselves.

James was Best Man

james best

Ginger was Matron of Honor



Flower girls were ready.


Caroline wore off white…stunning.

Now, here comes the bride, Cinnamon


The ceremony was about to begin with Cinnamon

walking down the aisle.

Who is escorting her down the aisle?

(to be continued)

Sam & Cinnamon Saga #49


Cinnamon went back to the ranch to get ready for the wedding party.

Sam was with her every step of the way.

She didn’t know what she was going to do about

the Admiral and Conrad at their wedding. Her Father was flying over to

the States in a few days and she would discuss the subject with him

at that time. Her brother, Cabot, was coming over with Conrad.

Sam and Cinnamon had plans to meet them all at the hotel in Dallas.

Her wish was for no fireworks until after the party.

“Cinnamon, you know, I love you.”

“Yes, Sam, and I love you, too.”

Sam told Cinnamon to trust him and it would all work out;

one way or another.

“Cinnamon, here’s a poem I wrote for you:”

You came into my life like a star
And filled my heart with joy
You took my pain as if it was yours
And gave me love that no one could.
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
You were my pillar when I was falling
You were my strength when I felt low
With your smile you made my living on earth worthwhile.

“It’s beautiful, Sam, thank you.”

( to be continued)


Sam & Cinnamon Saga #48



James was still at the ranch and not in Washington DC 

because he was trying to get 

the security system to work properly.

He hired an armed guard for a week

and a new security person to stay at the ranch when he was in DC.

That made Caroline feel better about their security.


Caroline picked up the mail in town and was sorting through it when she came across a letter to James. That’s odd she thought, he never gets his mail at home or at their post office box in town.


She looked at the return address, Miami. Who’s in Florida that James knows?


“James, you got mail.”


James stopped what he was doing

and looked at Caroline in a strange way

because he doesn’t get mail at home.

He thought she was playing with him until she walked

in the den and handed him the envelope.


James looked at the return address, just like Caroline did, and thought, Florida. The letter was handwritten. James opened the letter, with Caroline standing over him. She was curious too.


Dear Congressman Jamison,


I got to Florida with my dog and cat and we are fine.

I’m staying with my brother in Miami, he is fine too.

You won’t believe what he did for me and Alice. I’m still sad about Alice but my brother said that I will soon forget that 

terrible day I found her laying on the floor. I certainly hope he is right.

Anyway, my brother, had bought us both a life insurance policy. He said that we needed one because we were old. He bought one for himself, also. The insurance agent was a nice guy and told my brother if he bought another policy, he would give it to him for half price. So, my brother bought a policy for me and one for Alice. 

That is why I’m returning the money you gave me the day I left my ranch. Thank you so much. 

And I won’t forget to vote for you next time and my brother will vote for you too.

Bye and thank you,




James couldn’t believe it. Ray send him a cashier’s check for the amount of money he had given Ray that day. Seems like James is a little richer.


James and Caroline were happy for Ray because Lady Luck or Alice was smiling down on him.


(to be continued)

Sam & Cinnamon Saga #47



Sam drove into Dallas to be with Cinnamon. He knew she was upset

after speaking with the Admiral. He wanted to hold her and tell her

how much he loved her.

Cinnamon was a strong woman but she wanted her husband with her tonight.

Ginger stayed with Cinnamon until Sam arrived.

“Where is she, Ginger?”

“Cinnamon is in the bedroom. She’s doing just fine. It’s been a shock

to her and she is trying to understand all of it.”

“Thank you, Ginger, for being here with her.”

“Of course, she’s my best friend. We never expected this.”

Sam went into the bedroom suite at the hotel to comfort Cinnamon.

He brought her yellow roses and a bottle of champagne to cheer her up.

“Oh, Sam, you know how to make a girl feel special.” Cinnamon

kissed Sam and they sat on the edge of the bed and talked.

When they were finished talking about the Admiral’s announcement, Sam

held her hand and smiled and said, “Cinnamon, you are still who you are. Your parents might have changed but you are still Cinnamon. I know that Conrad has some explaining to do to you but that will come in time. Now, smile, it’s not the end of the world. I love you and now you have many more who love you. We will find out the rest of the details, later. When is Conrad arriving for the wedding party?”

Cinnamon smiled at Sam and said, “Next week.”

“That’s good, we will just put this on hold until he gets to the States. I’m going to open the champagne and the three of us are going to celebrate and go out  to dinner.”

Ginger walked into the room, “That’s the spirit. Let’s have a nice evening together.”

Cinnamon smiled at Sam and Ginger, “Let’s celebrate our friendship.” She raised her glass and said, “Cheers!”

(to be continued)




Sam & Cinnamon Saga #46


The Admiral finally got to talk with Cinnamon.

“No, I don’t believe you.”

“Why would I lie to you especially after all of these years.”

“I don’t know but it can’t be true.”

“Cinnamon, darling, it’s the truth. Why don’t you ask Conrad?”

Cinnamon closed her eyes and pretended that she didn’t hear his words. No, no, this is not believable.

“Please don’t cry. I had to tell you. You look so much like

your Mother. I wish she could see you now.”

Cinnamon was not crying, she had a tear on the side

of her face, that was all. She was strong and she would live through this if it was true. She wanted to call her Father in Spain and ask him about this news but with the time difference, she decided to wait.

“Cinnamon, I want to be at your wedding party. Please

allow me that much after all of these years of not being with you.”

Cinnamon stood up and reached for her handbag and moved away from the Admiral. She nodded to Ginger and they both

walked out of the hotel bar into the cool Dallas night.

(to be continued)