Honeymoon in Paris Saga #4

The newlyweds moved their suitcases to a 5-star hotel in Paris.

Claudia was in heaven and Sam;

well Sam went along with making his new wife happy.

Sam rented the Presidential suite which had four bedrooms.

“What are we going to do with four bedrooms?”

“Claudia, I’m sure you can move around better when you have options.”

“Oh, right, Sam.”

“Once you are settled in your room, let’s go shopping.”

“Shopping? Yes, that’s a wonderful idea. Give me ten minutes.”

Sam took a seat in the oversized living area

and poured himself a drink, a double.

Normally ten minutes turns into one hour.

Sam thought he knew women.

But maybe Claudia was different.

Sam downed the drink and then poured another one.

“Here’s to shopping, heaven help me.”

(To be continued)

Honeymoon in Paris Saga #3

Claudia spent her first night on her honeymoon in Sam’s 

Paris apartment feeling uneasy. It was a strange vibe she was getting. 

She woke up in the morning, after a sleepless night, to a vision of purple drapes. 

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. 

Where was she?

Then Claudia remembered…it was her honeymoon.

She looked around the bedroom for Sam.

He was not in bed with her.

“Sam? Sam?”

She got out of bed and throw on her robe and went looking for him.

She found him reading the newspaper in the kitchen.

“Good morning, dear. You are up early. I’m making breakfast for you.”

“Sam, how nice of you.”

Did you sleep well?”

“No, no I didn’t. I had some weird dreams and then I woke up to purple drapes.”

Oh, you don’t like my style of decorating?”

“Sam, I don’t want to sound ungrateful but those colors in the bedroom 

are not restful.”

“Why don’t we go shopping for new bedroom decor. Would that be better?”

“I think Sam, it would be better if we spent our honeymoon

in a 5 star hotel. I could order room service,have fresh towels and linens

and a butler to take care of my needs.”

“Of course my love, I can arrange that this morning. 

I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

Sam kissed Claudia and went into the living area to make the arrangements.

Sam had forgotten how temperamental a woman could be..oops.

He should have known better.

A hotel would be a better choice for them to stay.

After all it was their honeymoon.

(To be continued)

Honeymoon in Paris Saga #2


Claudia and Sam Harley flew by private jet to Paris.

They were excited to spend time together as husband and wife.

“I’m glad we have the wedding behind us, Claudia.”

“Me, too. I have been wanting to come back to Paris since college.”

“You are in for a treat.

I’ll be your official tour guide and of course your husband.”

“Sam, you are funny and loveable.”

The couple settled into Sam’s apartment on the Left bank.

It’s just one of many residences that Sam Harley keeps for himself.

They are very private and secluded places that are decorated

to his taste for art and music.

“Claudia, would you like a drink?”

“Yes, whatever you are having my darling.”

Sam walked over to his bar and opened a bottle of French Champagne.

Claudia made herself at home and took a quick look around and thought that

Sam’s place needed an update in decorating.

But she would tackle that subject later with Sam.

Sam handed Claudia a glass of Champagne

and said, “Cheers and welcome back to Paris and our new life together.”

“Cheers, Sam to our new adventure together.”

(To be continued)

HONEYMOON in Paris Saga


Sam Harley and Claudia Weiss tied the knot on the beach in Florida.

A small group of very close friends witness the happy but surprising event.

Sam and Claudia stood on the sandy beach at sundown

and pledged their love for each other.

The local minister had the couple recite the wedding vows.

“Do you take each other for as long as you shall love?”

Sam said, “Yes”.

Followed by Claudia saying, “Yes.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Sam.”

Sam kissed Claudia and their friends clapped for them.

James Jamison, his best friend and fellow agent was the best man

and Lily Lee Jamison acted as the matron of honor.

You could hear the French Champagne bottles popping.

Aunt Beatrice made it just time for the wedding.

She was accompanied by her good friend Michael Majors.

“Sam, my darling I’m getting too old for all of these wedding,” announced Aunt B.

“Sam kissed his aunt on both cheeks and said, “Don’t worry, I promise I

won’t put you through another one.”

Aunt Beatrice just laughed off the comment because she knew her nephew

all too well.

Aunt Beatrice handed Sam an envelope. “Since you won’t take my winery,

I’m giving you cash as my wedding gift to you.”

“Well, okay, I’ll accept your gift. I’m sure Claudia will enjoy shopping in Paris.”

Aunt Beatrice hugged Claudia and welcomed her to the crazy family.

The next ones to congratulate Sam and Claudia were James and Lily.

“What can I add after that beautiful ceremony by the sea?”

“Nothing, but your continued friendship and support. Thank you for coming.”

Lily kissed Sam and told him she was very happy for them both.

Sam couldn’t ask for a better wedding. He was happy and contend.

Claudia would be a good match for him.

The other guests continued to congratulate the couple while drinking Champagne.

Dinner was served and everyone settled into the night

with spectacular fireworks show over the water.

James caught Sam alone at the end of the evening.

“Sam, I like the last part of the ceremony, FOR AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LOVE.”

“Thanks, James. It’s better than until dead do us part.

In our line of work, I don’t like to think of death.”

Sam and James laughed but both knew death could come at any time.

“On a happier note, where’s the honeymoon?”

“Paris, of course.”

(To be continued)


O’Malley’s is the place to be at noon…

that’s where we find Caroline and James.

James was at the bar ordering a scotch.

“Hey, Mr. Jamison, long time no see. What are you having today?”

“I’m having a scotch and send a Pina Colada to the lady in the corner. 

She’s looking to escape.”

The bartender, Phil, laughs and gets the joke

 and the meaning behind the song.

“One Pina Colada coming up.”

“Oh, Phil, send my tab over to the man at the end of the bar.”

“You mean Mr. Majors?”

James leans into Phil and whispers,

“Tell Michael Majors I know, 

where Aunt Beatrice is traveling next.”


“Yes, really, Phil.”

“Cheers to LOVE.” replied Phil.


It was a whirl wind of an adventure for Aunt Beatrice as she sat in First Class 

waiting for take off.

Brief affairs, dancing on the sand, walking in the rain, cocktail after cocktail, 

a beautiful Birthday celebration, being rescued, scaling the side of the ship 

and memories kept floating in Aunt Beatrice’s head.

“Would you look at this story.”

“Excuse me, were you talking to me? asked Aunt B.

“Oh, sorry, I was talking out loud again. But, look there was a ship that was hijacked

and American woman escaped it all by scaling down the side of the ship. 

Boy, what a woman. I would like to meet her someday.”

“Does it give her name?” asked Aunt B.

“No, there is no mention who she was.”


“Why is that?”

“Somethings are better left unsaid. 

Let’s have a toast to the mystery woman.”

“I don’t drink on flights, it gets my dizzy and I act crazy.”

Aunt Beatrice took a second look at the man and said,” 

I rarely drink myself, but I think this calls for a celebration. 

Oh Miss, could we get two cocktails over here, please.”

“Well, maybe this once, I’ll break my rule. 

You seem like a nice sober woman.”

“Oh, I am, I am…Cheers!”

Written by


May 7, 2024


Michael Majors and Aunt Beatrice were sitting on bar stools 

at a beach side bar a few days later.

“Where do you suppose your nephew and Caroline are off to ?”

“I think I hear them singing or I mean talking

about going to O’Malley’s.”

“That’s interesting, I didn’t think James had a romantic side.”

“Romantic side? How do you think he got Caroline?”

Michael Majors stopped for a moment and said,

“Bartender, we will have two Pina Colada’s and put them on my tab.”  

Aunt Beatrice laughed and walked into the rain

with Mr. Majors.

(to be continued)


Mission Accomplished !!

But what was that pounding in Aunt Beatrice’s head?

A hangover?

“Beatrice are you alright, dear?”

“Mr. Majors, how nice to see you in this boat.

Any idea where we are going?”

“Your nephew, James, is heading up this operation.”

“Oh, my, I suppose I should ask him 

but right now, I have a terrible headache.”

“As soon at we hit land, I’ll fix you right up with a hangover cure.”

“And what would that be Mr. Majors?”

“My famous recipe, PRAIRIE OYSTER.”

  “Sounds awful.”

“Just leave it to me. I’m at your service, Beatrice.”

“That’s what frightens me.”

(to be continued)

prairie oyster (sometimes also prairie cocktail) is a traditional beverage consisting of a raw egg (often yolk alone), Worcestershire sauce, vinegar and/or hot saucetable salt, and ground black pepper. A small amount of tomato juice is sometimes added, reminiscent of a Bloody Mary. Occasionally a spirit such as brandy, vodka, or gin is also included, transforming the drink into a hair of the dog. The egg is broken into a glass so as not to break the yolk. The mixture is quickly swallowed. The unbroken yolk causes the drink to bear a texture similar to that of an oyster. The concoction has been referred to as a traditional cure for hangovers, and has appeared in media for decades.


If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape

Then I’m the love you have looked for, write to me and escape

Yes, I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain

I’m not much into health food, I am into champagne
I’ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon and cut through all this red tape

At a bar called O’Malley’s where we will plan our escape…

Scaling down a side of a Mega ship at midnight  

was not what Aunt Beatrice had in mind 

as an end to her Birthday celebration.

But that was exactly what was taking place…planning their escape.

“Aunt Beatrice, just follow me down; Caroline will be right behind you.”

“Easy for you to say, James, you do this for a living.”

“Caroline, fasten the belt around Aunt B. and throw me that line. 

There, Aunt B. just take it slowly, we will be on the rescue boat in a few minutes.”

“Is this the only way we can escape? I would feel better with one of those

Pina Colada drinks waiting for me in the boat below. It’s starting to rain, James.”

“Are you into Yoga?” James asks.

“I have half a brain.” Aunt Beatrice replied.

Caroline started laughing at their antics. 

She thought of the song, 

“Do you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain” by Rupert Holmes.

“Hey, James, are we singing yet? Or are we working?”

“Always working, Caroline, my dear wife. Just having fun with

my favorite aunt.”

“Then let’s cut through all this red tape and meet at O’Malley’s

tomorrow at noon.” Caroline said.

“Oh, baby, sounds good to me,” replied James.

The laughter could be heard down on the rescue boat below where

Michael Majors was waiting for the three to come down to safety.

( To be continued)



Yes, it was gun fire and not fireworks.

“What a way to end my Birthday,” 

Aunt Beatrice said as she set down her cocktail

on the table inside of her cabin suite.

There was a loud knock on her door.

Aunt Beatrice froze.

She was too scared to move, 

much less open her cabin door to thugs.

She stood still and waited for the knocking to stop.

It did not stop.

“Open your door or we will break it down.”

Aunt Beatrice thought for a moment, then went to the door

and listened. Could they break down the door?

She grabbed an expensive looking vase from the table 

and stood by the cabin door, as she slowly opened it.

“For Goodness sakes, Aunt Beatrice, 

it took you long enough to answer the door.”

To the shock of Aunt Beatrice, there stood,

James, her nephew and his wife Caroline Jamison, 

dressed in black and carrying guns.

“What are you two doing here? What’s going on?”

“Well, let us put it this way, Aunt B. we are rescuing you. 

The Agency sent us. We don’t have much time.”

“You mean that mystery Agency in Washington DC

 that you two work for and travel to far away places at a moment’s notice, Agency?”

“Yes, that Agency that pays our bills and sometimes saves our country 

from the evil world that wants to destroy us all.”

“But, but, what…it was my Birthday and we

were celebrating…oh my…oh my.” Aunt Beatrice felt herself falling into a chair.

James responded, “I think Aunt B. needs a cocktail.”

Caroline looked around the room and spotted Aunt Beatrice’s liquor cabinet 

and quickly rushed to it to get her a cocktail.

“How about a MEXICAN TEA?” Caroline asked.

“Caroline, please, she needs a real cocktail drink, not tea.”

“But, James, a MEXICAN TEA, is real booze and the ingredients

are simple and right here.”

“Ok, Ok, just bring it, before she passes out.”

Aunt Beatrice took one slip of the cocktail and cried, 

“Oh, my heavens, that’s strong and delicious.”

“Aunt Beatrice, can you get dressed quickly, we need to get you out of here.”

“But, why? I was having such a good time.”

“Your life is in danger. There is an active kidnapping going on aboard the ship 

and you are one of their targets…Rich Americans. 

The kidnappers want money and are desperate. 

They will kill you if you don’t comply with their demands.”

“Oh Lordy, James. I need a second cocktail. 

What did you call this Caroline? 

Mexican Tea?”

( to be continued)