Can a Crayola make you cry?


Something BIG is happening at Crayola.

On March 31st they will retire one of our iconic colors.

Will it be one of your favorites? #WhosLeaving

Friday is National Crayon Day and Crayola says it will mark the occasion

by retiring one of its colors.

They will say GOOD BYE to one color that

is featured in their 24 box of crayons.

Will it make you cry?

I hope not…but hold on to your crayons

because on Friday they will announce that color on Facebook.

When I color, I like to color outside the lines

and dream about the color, RED.


The Red crayon was one of the first introduced by

Binney & Smith in 1903.

More than two hundred distinctive colors have been produced

in a wide variety of assortments since then.

Colors that might be in danger of being eliminated  on Friday will be the group

from the 24 -count box of crayons.

The current 24-count Crayola box contains red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo and gray.

Once the color is retired, the company said it will not produce any additional crayons in that shade. This would be the first time the company has dropped a color from its 24-count box.

My guess it will not be RED…so, you will not be hearing me cry.




17361554_1285536278202163_6456548204857722974_nSam Houston traveled back to Italy, after leaving India.

His heart would never be the same

but he would get through it, as usual.

Sam still had an assignment to finish for THE AGENCY.

James and Caroline went back to their ranch in Texas.

They felt sad for Sam. Will he ever find love again?

Time will tell if Sam Houston will find

his soul mate, again.

Right now, he wanted to forget his heartache

and concentrate work. Besides, summer was coming and

he wanted spend more time with his boys.

Sam decided to have them come to

Italy for their summer vacation.

That put a smile on his face, as he got back to work.



16999011_474151076041831_6028401880180251744_nGinger was back at home, in Washington DC, with her husband, David.

She had a dream one night and relayed it to David

in the morning.

“David, I dreamed that we are having a baby girl.”

“Really ? A girl?”

“Yes, would you like a daughter?”

“Ginger, I want you to be happy and to be with me forever.”

“Ahh, David, that’s so sweet. So what should we name her?”

“My mother’s name was Rose.”

“Rose? I like the name, Rose. Sounds strong.”

“Yes, roses are hearty and strong and forever…in our hearts.”

(to be continued)




James and Caroline reported to David Davidson at THE AGENCY about the death

of the fashion designer, Beaumont.

What a pity.

They caught the next flight to India

to visit with Sam Houston.

James did not know that Misty Mars

had passed away.

It was a long trip to India but they promised Sam and a promise is

a promise even in their world.

Sam met them at the airport in India and relayed

the unfortunate news.

Caroline hugged Sam and tried to make

sense of all of it.

James spoke to Sam about how sorry he was for the loss of Misty.

Sam was the saddest he had ever been.

He lost his soul mate, Misty.

( to be continued)



834ce2b1_zJames was the first one up on Monday morning and

poured coffee for Caroline who was in the shower.

Room service had delivered their coffee and fruit;

housekeeping had already made up the bed.

“Caroline, hurry up your coffee is getting cold.”

“What’s the rush, James?”

As she walked out of the bathroom with a white hotel robe

wrapped around her.

“My, don’t you look fashionable this morning.”

“You don’t like the white robe?”

“No, it’s certainly not you. Have you seen

the newspaper this morning?”

“No, James, what’s up?”

“Your friendly fashion designer, Beaumont

had a tragic accident this weekend.”


“He’s dead. His servants found him in the

swimming pool, he was shot.”


“Caroline, looks like our job is done here.

Now we can go to India.”

(to be continued)



carolineCaroline was spending the day in the country

with fashion designer, Beaumont.

James she thought was back at the hotel…

but no, he was following his wife and Beaumont.

James and Caroline, both wanted to find out where Beaumont

design ideas were coming from.

Caroline hoped she could talk it out with the designer.

James wanted this assignment to end, as soon as possible.

Beaumont’s country home was in the wine region

of France. He like the finer things that his money could buy.

“Miss Caroline, a glass of Chardonnay?”

“Is this one of your own bottles?”

“Of course, only the best. It’s an estate bottle

of my finest.”

“I can’t turn down a glass of your best wine, now can I?”

The two sat in the garden on a terrace overlooking

Beaumont’s vineyard drinking wine and laughing.

Caroline was not getting any information out of the designer,

as much as she tried.

James was watching and waiting.

As the day came to a close, Caroline took the late train

back to Paris. Beaumont was planning

on staying at his estate for the weekend.

(to be continued)



22washingtonMeanwhile, back in Washington…

David Davidson, head of THE AGENCY, had been told

that his wife, Ginger, was in the hospital.

He was concerned about her well being, so he called the

hospital and spoke to Ginger.

“Ginger, are you OK? What’s the matter?”

Ginger could hear the concern in his voice. Oh, how

she still loved him and she felt he still loved her.

She decided to tell him the news.

“David, how nice of you to call me after all of

these months.”

“Well, you still are my wife.”

“Yes, I am. I have some news for you, David.

I am going to have a baby. Yes, I am…with or

without you, I’m going to have this baby.”

David was speechless at first, “What? You are

having a baby?”


“Ginger, I’m happy for you. It’s what you wanted.”

“Yes, it’s your baby, too, David.”

“I know that. It’s just it’s all so sudden. Give me some time

to take this all in.”

“So, David, what would you like to do about this news?”

“I’ll be coming down to Texas to take you home.”

“You mean it? We can be together with our baby in

Washington DC?”

“Yes, of course, Ginger, I’m going to be a father.”

(to be continued)


13501615_1207944975929312_5253619670453079606_n“Sam, I couldn’t wait any longer…I’ve been called home.”

Sam arrived at the hospital in India to find out that

Misty Mars had passed away in the early morning.

He was in shock and numb. He sat by Misty’s bedside

and wept as he held her hand for the last time.

Jasmine came into the room and gently

touched Sam’s shoulder, “My dear Sam, it’s time to let go.

Come with me, I’ll fix you some mint tea.”

Sam kissed Misty good-bye and left the room.

What else could he do for her  now?

Nothing, nothing at all.

(to be continued)


The Swallows & Mission of San Juan Capistrano

san juan mission

The miracle of the “Swallows” of Capistrano takes place each year 

at Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day.

As the faithful little birds wing their way back to the most famous mission in California,

the village of San Juan Capistrano takes on a fiesta air, and visitors from

all parts of the world and all walks of life gather in great numbers

to witness the “miracle” of the return of the swallows.

At dawn on St. Joseph’s Day, the little birds arrive and begin rebuilding

their mud nests, which are clinging to the ruins of the Great Stone Church

of San Juan Capistrano. The arches of the two story, vaulted Great Stone Church

were left bare and exposed after the roof collapsed during the earthquake of 1812.

The Great Stone Church, said to be the largest and most ornate

in any of the missions, now has a more humble destiny —

that of housing the birds that St. Francis loved so well.

After the summer spent within the sheltered walls of the

Old Mission in San Juan Capistrano, the swallows take flight again,

and on the Day of San Juan, October 23rd, they leave after circling

the Mission bidding farewell to the “Jewel of the Missions.”

poppy mission

Note on the swallows:

The Cliff Swallows begin to arrive in March from their

winter home in Argentina.

Between March and October they can be seen building nests in the eaves.

Due to urbanization, they seek out areas near water and food sources

such as a concrete under pass or bridge near creeks.

They start their migration back to Argentina in October.




10357525_988958384517510_7067907248074351528_nCaroline was up early and having breakfast on the terrace

of their suite when James joined her.

He was curious about her meeting and dinner with Beaumont.

“Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?”

“Good morning to you, James. You were sleeping when I got back last night

and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Ahh, that’s a good thing. I was tired last night, sorry.”

“It’s fine. How about some coffee?”

“Love it. So, tell me what transpired last night.”

As James drank coffee, Caroline smiled and kissed

James on the cheek.

“You know you  look handsome this morning.”

Caroline wanted to keep James wondering if she

found out any more information about the origins of his designs.

James was ready to leave

Paris and get to India.

“If you must push me this morning into telling you

about my date last night…”

James interrupted her, “Your date last night was suppose to get us closer

to the truth about this character. Is he a thief or not?”

“I’m not sure, James. I need more time with him.

He’s taking me to his country home this afternoon.”

James, asked, “Why?”

Caroline played it cool and said, “Maybe, he likes me.”

(to be continued)