Mystery in Greece Saga

(Photo by Valdemaras D. on

Agent Charlie Chong was due a vacation from the Agency

and he chose Greece as his destination.

He was packed and ready to go when the director of the Agency,

Darren Downs, called Charlie into his office.

“Good afternoon, Charlie. I understand from Personnel you are headed out on vacation

for a week.”

“Yes, sir. I’m flying to Athens tonight.”

“Good, good, that’s good.”

Charlie thought what was so good about his trip to Greece that the Director

repeated the word three times.

“Charlie, sit down. We need to talk.”

Those dreaded words.

Charlie didn’t want to hear those words, but he was forced to listen.

“Mr. Chong, you have been with our Agency for almost two years and

your work record is good but not exceptional. I would like to change that for you.”

Charlie listened closely; Mr. Downs was now referring to him as Mr. Chong.

Was Charlie going to be fired.

“There is a situation in Greece where we could use your help.”

“Sure, Mr. Downs, whatever I can do to help.”

Charlie was feeling relieved, he wasn’t going to be fire after all.

“Good. Glad you are on board.”

There was that word again, GOOD.

“Charlie, one of our retired agents has been living on one of the Greek islands

for the past ten years. About a week ago, he disappeared. I need you to find him.”

“On my vacation, sir?”

“Your vacation is null and void. Check with Personnel, they will give you

all the details. And good luck, Charlie.”

Agent Chong staggered out of the Directors office and into the hallway

with a confused look on his face.

No vacation time.

(To be continued)

Is it Love #15

An afternoon of sailing for Sam Houston was pure enjoyment.

Misty went to the dock to meet Sam and have a fun day of sailing.

“Permission to come aboard, Captain Sam.”

“Permission granted.” Sam laughed

 “What took you so long to get over to the marina?”

“Well, do you want the good, bad or ugly?”

“Just tell me, Misty. What’s going on?”

“Our boss, David has arrived on the island.”

“Seriously? David is here?”

“Of course I’m serious.”

“Throw me that line, we are shoving off. Watch your head on the boom.”

“I know, Sam. I’m a sailor, too, you know.”

“Good, I could use some help.”

“Aye, Aye, captain.” As Misty gave Sam a salute and 

then found herself a comfortable place to sit. 

All the while watching Sam maneuver the boat away from the dock 

and into the marina and then out to sea.

What a lovely day for a sail. Misty was pleased with her day so far.

Now, she needed some time with Sam.

Once under sail, Sam came closer to where Misty was sitting.

“How about a beer?”

“Is that the best you can do, Sam?”

“What’s wrong with beer? I know it’s not champagne.”

Misty smiled at Sam and agreed to a beer. 

After a few beers, Misty was talkative. Sam just listened.

“David told me that you were here on the island to babysit me.”

“Yes, it started out that way, but I don’t think I have to babysit you, Misty.

You are doing just fine on your own.” Another big smile from Sam.

Damn, Misty thought, he’s good looking. Why didn’t I notice him a few years ago?

Before he got married. She felt good being around Sam.

The sun was shining down on her face, so she turned

away from the sun to protect her eyes.

Sam threw her a baseball cap to put on.

She smiled and thanked him. He seemed to know what she needed

even before she did. Misty adjusted the brim on the cap and

flashed another smile back at Sam.

“You look good in that Yankee’s cap. Are you a fan of baseball?”

“I love baseball. I go as often as I can in Chicago.”

“I’m a big fan of baseball and football. 

You should catch a game with us in

Texas, sometime.”

Misty looked hard at Sam. Why was he being so nice to her? 

Then she decided to ask

him that question that men hate.

“Are you happy, Sam?”

“Don’t ask a man if he’s happy, especially went he is enjoying himself and sailing.”

“Is that an answer to my question?”

“Not really; let’s move on. It’s a nice day and I’m sailing

with a beautiful woman. 

Tell me, what’s your next step with this Morse Roberts? 

Are you taking him down?”

“I’m taking him to jail, where he belongs. He’s one of the

biggest crime bosses in the country.

The government wants to make an example of him.”

“Have you and David made a plan to do just that?”

“Not yet. But I have a few ideas. David and I are meeting later tonight. 

Do you want to join us?”

“Maybe, I will. What time?”

“Eleven. Hotel Bar.”

“We have a date, Misty.”

(To be continued)


David and Misty walked outside of the restaurant after the argument with Morse.

She was shaking so David put his arm around her

and guided her in a lounge area where they could talk.

“You are doing a terrific job here. Keep it up, Misty.”

“Keep it up? With him? What do you mean?”

Morse Roberts is a wanted gangster/criminal. Your research about him was right on point.

The Agency didn’t realize at first who he was or what you were doing. So, forgive us for

not believing in your suspicions. You created this assignment, and it is working.

We want him arrested and taken into custody.

You are an important part of playing along as his lover is perfection.

I don’t know how you did it, but you got him. Now, bring him to justice for us, Misty.

“So, my vacation time has turned into a real paying assignment?”

“Yes, it has and by the way, there’s a reward for the capture of Roberts.”

“Really? How much?”

“Over one million.”

Misty just whistled and kissed David on the cheek.

“I might be rich then?”

“Of course, but it will require more work acting from you.”

“I have a question about Sam Houston’s presence on the Island.”

“We sent him to babysit you.”

“Oh. So, all along you knew there was something that would be going down with Morse.”

“Yes. If he showed up. And Morse did indeed showed up.

Sam was the back up to take him out if need be.

You know how all of this works, Misty. You been an agent for a long time.

Sometime, our prey has “an accident.”

“But why are you here David?”

“To protect our agents in the field and make sure the assignment is complete.”

(To be continued)

Is it Love #2

Misty answered her smart phone while getting ready for dinner.

It was her boss from the Agency, David Davidson.


“Misty, where are you?”

“David, why are you calling me? 

I told your secretary, Marie, I was going away on vacation.”

“I know, I know. But I need you to work.”

“What could be so darn important? Are we going to war?”

“Nothing that dramatic. When can you get to Saint Thomas……?”

“Tomorrow morning. Is that soon enough?”

“Can you get there tonight? Please, Misty.”

“No, David, I’m putting my high heels down…no and no.”

“Okay. Tomorrow and be careful where you put that high heel tonight.

I need you somber and alert. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” Misty hung up the phone and stuck her tongue out at David.

It was a good thing he didn’t call from the computer on a video chat.

He would see her dressed in a flowing red dress.

And drinking champagne. My, My, what would he think or say?

Misty didn’t care any more about what David would think.

He was her lover once, but not anymore.

David was married to Ginger, and he was still her boss

and head of the Agency in Washington D.C.

So, she needed to tread lightly if she wanted to keep

in good standing with the Agency.

Misty on the other hand was single and free.

Just the way she liked it.

(To be continued)


Misty Mars sat, on the deserted beach, alone. 

She had saved a beach chair for her new found lover, Morse, 

but he was a no show at the last minute. 

Misty flew to the Caribbean with the hopes of having a romantic fling 

with an older gentleman.

She met him a few weeks before in a local bar downtown Chicago. 

The bar was centrally located in her neighborhood. 

That night, they both hit it off from the start and Misty spent the night with Morse, 

not knowing who he was or even if he was married. 

She didn’t care; she was looking for romance. 

Just one night with a handsome man, who treated her like a princess. 

Morse had all the qualities she was looking for; 

older, handsome, tall,well dressed and of course, expensive shoes. 

The conversation and cocktails flowed all night. He was quite a talker, a smooth talker.

In morning, Misty left his apartment at dawn 

and crawled into her own bed with her cat, Oscar. 

Ahhh, the memories of the night lingered with her.

Love? Was love possible again for her?

Her last boyfriend, Charles, left her and moved to Arizona without warning. 

She thought they were both in love with each other, 

but it turned out that Charles was just passing his time 

until a very rich older woman turned his head.

Proof…he was gone.

One evening Misty was out drinking with a few buddies from the Bureau, 

when Robert’s name came up in the conversation.

 One agent called Roberts one of the most wanted men on their list. 

So far, they didn’t have any luck capturing him.

She confided in them about meeting a guy named Morse Roberts

 in a local pub in downtown. They laughed at her and said that was impossible. 

He didn’t hang out in dives.

Misty didn’t want to look like a fool in front of her men friends, so she just laughed it off.

When she went home that evening, 

she did some research and found out that her Morse Roberts was one and the same.

Wanted by the FBI.

Misty made a call to her boss in Washington DC where she worked 

as a freelance Intelligence agent.

They gave her go ahead to continue to play out a scenario with Roberts 

not thinking too much would transpire from her escapades with him.

So, as the weeks went by, Misty was set up to see Morse a few more times 

at the local bar. She knew was being monitored by her DC Agency, but she didn’t mind. 

Then, Morse took her to an expensive restaurant for dinner one night. 

Misty was not expecting what he proposed to her next. 

He asked her to meet him in the Caribbean for a few days, 

of course, there was a first-class ticket and hotel accommodations provided.

Morse slipped her five one hundred dollar bills under the table. 

Misty chuckled as she put the bills in her red handbag and snapped it shut. 

She was never one to pass up money or a free trip.

Misty readily accepted his offer.

She was in need of a vacation and besides Chicago was getting 

hit with tons of snow that winter. It was a good break from her everyday life and friends.

She took advantage of every opportunity when it came to a vacation.

 Misty knew that the intelligence agency, where she worked, 

didn’t allow much free time, they kept her busy with assignments.

Even her friends didn’t know what she did for a living. 

They saw Misty living in an expensive condo with fine furnishings 

and was constantly traveling.

 Misty was always the first one to loan her girlfriends money 

and didn’t even ask for it back. 

She would throw parties on a wimp, 

dance all night at a club downtown Chicago until dawn. 

That was who Misty Mars was to her friends, fun loving adventurer.

Sometimes Misty would ask herself, “what am I doing with my life?”

What she was doing for a job was none of their business. 

She paid her own bills, and she came and went as she pleased. 

The Agency was an excellent outlet for her. 

Misty was highly overpaid for her work with the Agency. 

Her her assignments to foreign countries were TOP SECRET.

 It didn’t matter to her what assignment she received 

because it was always exciting and dangerous work. 

It was what she lived for these days since she was still single and looking for love.

(To be continued)



Sam Hardley could not believe he was seeing Aunt Beatrice

after dozens of years of her absence.

“Where have you been hiding, my dear?”

“Sam, you know me, I’ve been traveling through Europe for starters

then back in Texas. There’s nothing better than the ole USA.”

Charlie was being introduced to Aunt B. for the first time.

“Charlie, this my infamous and glorious Aunt Beatrice.

She is one of a kind. Aunty is also an honorary agent with

our Agency.”

Aunt B. laughed at Sam’s remarks.

“Don’t believe everything he tells you Mr. Chong.”

“Please call me, Charlie, madam.”

“No madam, call me Beatrice. Nice to meet you, Charlie.”

The three of them sat near the window of the winery hotel

and sipped Champagne and told stories and laughed about the past.

It was just past midnight when they all heard screaming.

It was coming from one of the hotel rooms near where they were seated.

(To be continued)


Agent Sam Harley and Agent Charlie Chong continued their celebration in Napa, California.

Since only Sam drinks wine, he steered Charlie into sampling a few glasses of wine

just because he wanted to educate his fellow agent on the finer points in life.

“Look Charlie, everyone and I mean everyone must learn to drink fine wine

and of course, Champagne.”

“OK, Sam I will try a few different varieties of wine. Then, can we get back to

Washington D.C. I need to make my report to the Agency about our

assignment in San Francisco.”

“Just relax, I already texted our report into the home office. They said, great job.

We were given a couple of days off to rest and recuperate.”

“What?” Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I just did. Sit over there. I need to make a private phone call.”

Sam stepped into the hallway to make a phone call.

As Sam was talking on his iPhone, a couple came walking down the hall

yelling at each other.

“I told you not to get involved. But, oh, no you had

to be a big man.”

“Patricia, stop yelling. People are staring at us.”

“Tom, as if I cared about that.”

Sam had to stop talking on his phone

because the pair bumped into him as they passed.

“Sorry, pal, wife is acting a little crazy.”

Sam just nodded.

Tom and Patricia continued talking loudly

until they came to their room at the end of the hall.

Sam watched as they fumbled with the hotel key

in trying to open the door.

“Married couples just trying too hard to get along.” said Sam

mostly to himself.

(To be continued)

China Town Saga #2


Charlie Chong arrived in San Francisco in the late afternoon.

He rushed through the airport with just an overnight bag.

No waiting for his luggage .

Outside, he hailed a taxi to the city where he was planning on staying.

Riding in the cab he mind wandered back to his home country, Hong Kong.

Yes, he missed his parents and friends but this was his life now.

Being an agent for the Agency in Washington DC was a tough job.

Charlie found himself travelling over half the time.

He was young so it didn’t take a toll on him yet.

When he was home in Maryland, he had an

easy commute to the office in DC.

He ran three miles a day and ate only organic foods.

Charlie didn’t socialize much because

he wanted to keep his mind clear headed.

He had no girlfriend and that was OK with him.

The cab driver dropped Charlie at his hotel.

“Oh, so this is San Francisco.” Charlie said out loud.

(To be continued)

Assignment: Venice #7

Five months ago, Sam Houston, sat in Washington D.C. with

the Director of THE AGENCY, Robert Ryan, where they discussed

a new assignment forthcoming.

“Sam, I’ll telling you, its too risky for you to undertaken.”

“Has that ever stopped me in the past? No, it never will. I want this job.

I need this; I haven’t been given a project in over a year.”

“Sam, maybe you should think about retiring from field work, besides you are not as young as you used to be.”

“Damit, Robert, don’t lecture me on age and what I can do and can’t do

for this AGENCY. I’ve given my entire life to this place and won’t take no for answer.”

“You are pig headed, Mr. Houston, OK, I’ll agree to giving you this one job in the field if you agree to work with a few of our senior agents.”


“Carolyn Jamison plus others.”

“OK, I agree. Now get me what I need for the job.”

“What do you need?”

“You will have my list in the morning.”

Sam exited Robert Ryan’s office and headed to his hotel

to make the necessary arrangements.

( to be continued)