Is it Love #15

An afternoon of sailing for Sam Houston was pure enjoyment.

Misty went to the dock to meet Sam and have a fun day of sailing.

“Permission to come aboard, Captain Sam.”

“Permission granted.” Sam laughed

 “What took you so long to get over to the marina?”

“Well, do you want the good, bad or ugly?”

“Just tell me, Misty. What’s going on?”

“Our boss, David has arrived on the island.”

“Seriously? David is here?”

“Of course I’m serious.”

“Throw me that line, we are shoving off. Watch your head on the boom.”

“I know, Sam. I’m a sailor, too, you know.”

“Good, I could use some help.”

“Aye, Aye, captain.” As Misty gave Sam a salute and 

then found herself a comfortable place to sit. 

All the while watching Sam maneuver the boat away from the dock 

and into the marina and then out to sea.

What a lovely day for a sail. Misty was pleased with her day so far.

Now, she needed some time with Sam.

Once under sail, Sam came closer to where Misty was sitting.

“How about a beer?”

“Is that the best you can do, Sam?”

“What’s wrong with beer? I know it’s not champagne.”

Misty smiled at Sam and agreed to a beer. 

After a few beers, Misty was talkative. Sam just listened.

“David told me that you were here on the island to babysit me.”

“Yes, it started out that way, but I don’t think I have to babysit you, Misty.

You are doing just fine on your own.” Another big smile from Sam.

Damn, Misty thought, he’s good looking. Why didn’t I notice him a few years ago?

Before he got married. She felt good being around Sam.

The sun was shining down on her face, so she turned

away from the sun to protect her eyes.

Sam threw her a baseball cap to put on.

She smiled and thanked him. He seemed to know what she needed

even before she did. Misty adjusted the brim on the cap and

flashed another smile back at Sam.

“You look good in that Yankee’s cap. Are you a fan of baseball?”

“I love baseball. I go as often as I can in Chicago.”

“I’m a big fan of baseball and football. 

You should catch a game with us in

Texas, sometime.”

Misty looked hard at Sam. Why was he being so nice to her? 

Then she decided to ask

him that question that men hate.

“Are you happy, Sam?”

“Don’t ask a man if he’s happy, especially went he is enjoying himself and sailing.”

“Is that an answer to my question?”

“Not really; let’s move on. It’s a nice day and I’m sailing

with a beautiful woman. 

Tell me, what’s your next step with this Morse Roberts? 

Are you taking him down?”

“I’m taking him to jail, where he belongs. He’s one of the

biggest crime bosses in the country.

The government wants to make an example of him.”

“Have you and David made a plan to do just that?”

“Not yet. But I have a few ideas. David and I are meeting later tonight. 

Do you want to join us?”

“Maybe, I will. What time?”

“Eleven. Hotel Bar.”

“We have a date, Misty.”

(To be continued)


David and Misty walked outside of the restaurant after the argument with Morse.

She was shaking so David put his arm around her

and guided her in a lounge area where they could talk.

“You are doing a terrific job here. Keep it up, Misty.”

“Keep it up? With him? What do you mean?”

Morse Roberts is a wanted gangster/criminal. Your research about him was right on point.

The Agency didn’t realize at first who he was or what you were doing. So, forgive us for

not believing in your suspicions. You created this assignment, and it is working.

We want him arrested and taken into custody.

You are an important part of playing along as his lover is perfection.

I don’t know how you did it, but you got him. Now, bring him to justice for us, Misty.

“So, my vacation time has turned into a real paying assignment?”

“Yes, it has and by the way, there’s a reward for the capture of Roberts.”

“Really? How much?”

“Over one million.”

Misty just whistled and kissed David on the cheek.

“I might be rich then?”

“Of course, but it will require more work acting from you.”

“I have a question about Sam Houston’s presence on the Island.”

“We sent him to babysit you.”

“Oh. So, all along you knew there was something that would be going down with Morse.”

“Yes. If he showed up. And Morse did indeed showed up.

Sam was the back up to take him out if need be.

You know how all of this works, Misty. You been an agent for a long time.

Sometime, our prey has “an accident.”

“But why are you here David?”

“To protect our agents in the field and make sure the assignment is complete.”

(To be continued)

Is it Love #2

Misty answered her smart phone while getting ready for dinner.

It was her boss from the Agency, David Davidson.


“Misty, where are you?”

“David, why are you calling me? 

I told your secretary, Marie, I was going away on vacation.”

“I know, I know. But I need you to work.”

“What could be so darn important? Are we going to war?”

“Nothing that dramatic. When can you get to Saint Thomas……?”

“Tomorrow morning. Is that soon enough?”

“Can you get there tonight? Please, Misty.”

“No, David, I’m putting my high heels down…no and no.”

“Okay. Tomorrow and be careful where you put that high heel tonight.

I need you somber and alert. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” Misty hung up the phone and stuck her tongue out at David.

It was a good thing he didn’t call from the computer on a video chat.

He would see her dressed in a flowing red dress.

And drinking champagne. My, My, what would he think or say?

Misty didn’t care any more about what David would think.

He was her lover once, but not anymore.

David was married to Ginger, and he was still her boss

and head of the Agency in Washington D.C.

So, she needed to tread lightly if she wanted to keep

in good standing with the Agency.

Misty on the other hand was single and free.

Just the way she liked it.

(To be continued)


Misty Mars sat, on the deserted beach, alone. 

She had saved a beach chair for her new found lover, Morse, 

but he was a no show at the last minute. 

Misty flew to the Caribbean with the hopes of having a romantic fling 

with an older gentleman.

She met him a few weeks before in a local bar downtown Chicago. 

The bar was centrally located in her neighborhood. 

That night, they both hit it off from the start and Misty spent the night with Morse, 

not knowing who he was or even if he was married. 

She didn’t care; she was looking for romance. 

Just one night with a handsome man, who treated her like a princess. 

Morse had all the qualities she was looking for; 

older, handsome, tall,well dressed and of course, expensive shoes. 

The conversation and cocktails flowed all night. He was quite a talker, a smooth talker.

In morning, Misty left his apartment at dawn 

and crawled into her own bed with her cat, Oscar. 

Ahhh, the memories of the night lingered with her.

Love? Was love possible again for her?

Her last boyfriend, Charles, left her and moved to Arizona without warning. 

She thought they were both in love with each other, 

but it turned out that Charles was just passing his time 

until a very rich older woman turned his head.

Proof…he was gone.

One evening Misty was out drinking with a few buddies from the Bureau, 

when Robert’s name came up in the conversation.

 One agent called Roberts one of the most wanted men on their list. 

So far, they didn’t have any luck capturing him.

She confided in them about meeting a guy named Morse Roberts

 in a local pub in downtown. They laughed at her and said that was impossible. 

He didn’t hang out in dives.

Misty didn’t want to look like a fool in front of her men friends, so she just laughed it off.

When she went home that evening, 

she did some research and found out that her Morse Roberts was one and the same.

Wanted by the FBI.

Misty made a call to her boss in Washington DC where she worked 

as a freelance Intelligence agent.

They gave her go ahead to continue to play out a scenario with Roberts 

not thinking too much would transpire from her escapades with him.

So, as the weeks went by, Misty was set up to see Morse a few more times 

at the local bar. She knew was being monitored by her DC Agency, but she didn’t mind. 

Then, Morse took her to an expensive restaurant for dinner one night. 

Misty was not expecting what he proposed to her next. 

He asked her to meet him in the Caribbean for a few days, 

of course, there was a first-class ticket and hotel accommodations provided.

Morse slipped her five one hundred dollar bills under the table. 

Misty chuckled as she put the bills in her red handbag and snapped it shut. 

She was never one to pass up money or a free trip.

Misty readily accepted his offer.

She was in need of a vacation and besides Chicago was getting 

hit with tons of snow that winter. It was a good break from her everyday life and friends.

She took advantage of every opportunity when it came to a vacation.

 Misty knew that the intelligence agency, where she worked, 

didn’t allow much free time, they kept her busy with assignments.

Even her friends didn’t know what she did for a living. 

They saw Misty living in an expensive condo with fine furnishings 

and was constantly traveling.

 Misty was always the first one to loan her girlfriends money 

and didn’t even ask for it back. 

She would throw parties on a wimp, 

dance all night at a club downtown Chicago until dawn. 

That was who Misty Mars was to her friends, fun loving adventurer.

Sometimes Misty would ask herself, “what am I doing with my life?”

What she was doing for a job was none of their business. 

She paid her own bills, and she came and went as she pleased. 

The Agency was an excellent outlet for her. 

Misty was highly overpaid for her work with the Agency. 

Her her assignments to foreign countries were TOP SECRET.

 It didn’t matter to her what assignment she received 

because it was always exciting and dangerous work. 

It was what she lived for these days since she was still single and looking for love.

(To be continued)



Sam Harley reunited with his love interest, Claudia Weiss,

at dinner on Monday evening in a small restaurant near his beach house.

“Tell me Sam, how was your guy’s weekend with your best friend, James?”

“My weekend was full of adventure.”

“Hmmm, that’s good. Do I get information about it or is that it?”

Sam laughed and smiled.

“I missed your smile, Claudia.”

“I missed you, Sam.”

“I think this calls for a celebration.”

Sam called the waiter over and ordered FRENCH CHAMPAGNE.

“Cheers to you my dear.”

“What are we celebrating?”

“You and only you.”

“My, I’m honored, Sam.”

“Claudia, I have a proposal to make.”

“Oh, no Sam. Please don’t mention marriage to me.”

“No, no, that’s not my proposal. I want to take you to Paris.

I have an apartment on the Left Bank

and I would love to explore the city with you.”

Claudia looked foolishly at Sam because she jumped the gun.

“Silly me, I thought…”

“I know your feeling on marriage.

I promise we will slow this romance down

and just have good time in Paris.”

“Oh, Sam, thank you.”

“Well then are you coming with me to Paris?”

“Yes, Yes, Sam I will go to Paris with you.

Sam kissed Claudia

and they both finished drinking their FRENCH CHAMPAGNE.



April 20, 2024

Rosy Regal Saga

Rosy Regal was the type of woman who doesn’t take “no” for

an answer…that’s right, from NOBODY.

As Rosy entered the courtyard, she noticed the beautiful pink flowers

blooming on the trees. “Roses?” she thought. But looking closer,

she saw they were not, pretty but definitely not her favorite, roses.

The flowers brought back memories of her childhood. Her grandmother,

Edith, use to grow roses in her garden back home in Michigan. Long ago

when Rosy use to spend summers in Michigan with grandmother and her

aunt Millie. What a pair those two were to watch. Every day, they were rise up

before the chickens, as they set their sights on going fishing for the day.

Rosy just laughed to herself because she hated going fishing with them

and to this day disliked eating fish.

“Maybe, one day, I’ll try eating fish.”

Rosy looked at the well-kept courtyard as she stepped to the front

door of the villa.

She rang the buzzer.

Rosy waited for an answer.

An elderly gentleman opened the door and looked puzzled, “Yes,

what do you want, Mademoiselle?”

“Good afternoon. I’m looking for Spencer. Spencer Scott.”

“He’s not home.” The butler started to close the door when Rosy

pushed through and said, “I’ll wait for him.”

Rosy swirled around the entry way of the villa. Noticing a library

off the entry and she quickly entered the room

before she could be stopped.

“Now, see here, young miss, you can’t just push your way into

Mr. Scott’s home. It’s not proper.”

“I will wait for Spencer, in his library, until he gets back.”

“No, no, that is not going to happen. I told you Mr. Scott

is not home and will be away for a few days.”

“Good. I’ll make myself at home then and wait. It’s about

teatime. Do you mind bringing me some tea and those tiny

sandwiches. I’m starving.”
The butler was looking and sounding upset with Rosy.

But Rosy didn’t care. She was on a mission. Rosy picked up a

book and asked “Have you read all of these books?”

“Must say, you are one of the rudest girls I’ve ever encountered.

Are you a friend or foe of Mr. Scott?”

“Both. Now, how about some tea.”

“I don’t believe I caught your name, miss.”

Rosy smiled at the older man, “I don’t believe I threw it.”

With that remark, the butler politely said, “My name is Edward.

Edward Smith. You can call me Edward. Now, may I ask, your name?”

Rosy was amused and decided to answer the old chap.

“My name is Rosy. Rosy Regal.”

Edward nodded and turned to leave the library but not before

he said, “I’ll bring you your tea in the sitting room, Miss Regal.”

Rosy smiled. “Thank you, Edward.”

(To be continued)

Dana Perino: Goodbye, Jasper

Jasper, America’s dog, died at 12:40 p.m. on Saturday, September 4, 2021. He was nine years old. Though I’ve cried and felt the rolling waves of the first stage of grief for the first two days without him, I don’t think it really hit me until 3:08 a.m. on September 6th.

I woke up because it was too quiet. Even when Jasper was sound asleep, he had a presence. I tried going back to sleep – I prayed, breathed, and begged for a bit more rest. It wasn’t happening. Finally, trying not to wake Peter, I decided to just get up and write it all down.

When I came downstairs, I could feel Jasper everywhere. This was his house. We were just living in it.

I grabbed my laptop and swallowed a couple of bites of Greek yogurt to coat my stomach before having a cup of English Breakfast Tea. I went to set the bowl down for Jasper to find when he woke up. I liked to leave him a little surprise. I caught myself before the bowl hit the floor and placed it in the kitchen sink instead.

I couldn’t decide where to sit to write, because each spot was also his. Jasper sat wherever we sat. It didn’t matter how small the chair, he would find a way to squeeze in there. Then he’d just sit and look around, as if he were a person helping you read the newspaper or have a chat with visitors on a Sunday afternoon. He would fight sleep. If he started to nod off, he’d wake with a start and then pretend he wasn’t falling asleep. He had a terrible fear of missing out.

And now I miss everything.

I avoided the family room where Jasper’s toy box is overflowing. He loved his toys and always needed to greet you with one or more. “Get another one, Jasper,” and he’d stuff one more in his mouth. I think the record was five toys that he somehow figured out how to get in his overstretched jaws. A fish fin, an elephant’s trunk, a teddy bear’s leg hanging out of the sides. I will miss those greetings. Especially the ones when I’d only been away for 30 seconds putting the trash down the chute.

I kept thinking ahead to the days to come that won’t include his greetings or his walks with Peter after work to pick me up after work at Fox News. He won’t jump up on the bed after his last outing to get some lotion on the tops of his paws (a tradition we started to get him to stop trying to lick it off my legs.)

Jasper will never be on “The Five” or “America’s Newsroom” again – he was such a great sport when we’d have him on set. He always wore a tie for television. He had a good sense of the cameras, having been over-photographed his entire life. Jasper would look right into the lens, as if he could start reading, “One More Thing is up next.” Oh, if I could just have one more thing with him.

In the days since Jasper passed away, we’ve been buoyed by the outpouring of support from our friends, colleagues, and especially our fans. Jasper was first on “The Five” in June 2012, a tiny puppy that I could easily hold in my arms. I think he slept through that first appearance, but a star was born.

I couldn’t help bringing up Jasper and his antics on air. Greg Gutfeld loved to tease me about it, which made me do it more. He even came up with a fake dog of his named Casper. No one knows what happened to Casper. Somebody check Greg’s basement, please.

I would post photos of Jasper and all his antics and adventures. People got a kick out of his “lil’ ear” – half of his left ear was missing – perhaps bitten off by a sibling when they were fighting for room in the womb. It gave him real character.

A viewer of “The Five,” FiveFanPhotoshops (now a good friend and my illustrator for Let Me Tell You About Jasper), created incredible pictures of Jasper in all sorts of places – the U.S. Open, the World Cup, presidential debates, and even space. 

They were remarkable, made people laugh, and even fooled people “Is that real?”

His following grew. Soon, people were asking about Jasper more often than about politics. And that suited me just fine.

TSA agents would ask if I’d packed Jasper in the suitcase. Police officers would ask me, “How’s Jasper today?” Fans visiting New York City would be on the lookout for him as well. Once, a jogger in Central Park stopped us.

“Oh wow, is that Jasper?” Yes. Would he like a photo? Absolutely.

So, I asked Peter to take the picture with the man’s camera, and went to get in the shot.

“Oh….um, just Jasper.”

Oh. Yes, of course. My star was happily eclipsed.

This weekend we heard from a woman who was visiting Manhattan last winter with her sister. She made her get up early and dragged her to a certain spot in the park at 7:15 a.m. where she hoped to catch a glimpse of Jasper. To their delight, there he was with Peter, looking for fish in the pond. She got pictures with the dog she knew through social media and Fox News. She contacted us this weekend to send her condolences and said that meeting Jasper was the highlight of her trip.

I’ve heard from friends and strangers who said they’d never been dog people until Jasper. Some became dog owners because they wanted to experience that special bond as well. Others had just followed him because he was nicknamed America’s Dog on “Red Eye” (that was the show before Gutfeld Exclamation Point)– not because we thought he was better than any other dog, but because I said I’d be happy to share Jasper with everyone. I’d do all the work, and they could claim him as one of their own.

When the pandemic shutdowns started in March 2020, I added a Facebook Live reading for kids every afternoon for 15 minutes. I didn’t plan on having Jasper be a part of them, but he insisted on sitting next to me. He’d look at the camera or at the book’s illustrations, and the kids (and the parents and grandparents watching alone) loved it. I got a note from one of those parents this weekend – their kids still remembered Jasper’s readings and considered him their dog, too.

At Fox News, everyone knew of Jasper – and even though he didn’t come to work with me, his presence was felt there as well. The producers of “The Five” knew him his entire life and have indulged me with his appearances. Jasper gave us a lot of material to work with.

Staff throughout the building would ask about him, and they’d post his funny photos and videos to the website. One of the best was when Peter and Jasper rode a Harley and sidecar in a Fourth of July parade in Batman and Robin costumes, Jasper wearing his Doggles (no eye protection, no ride – Jasper knew the rules and never tried to take them off). We won “Best Dog” that year at the parade. America strong indeed. I was so proud.

I remember when Sean Hannity, Stuart Varney, and I had a “best dog” contest – it went to a vote by the viewers. Sean won, hands down. It was only fair – it was his show and his dog was very cute. But we were all winners. We had dogs.

Lawrence Jones came to visit one weekend. Jasper had never met him, but somehow knew Lawrence was the one to run to when he got off the train. Jasper never left his side the entire weekend. 

Jasper was the first dog Lawrence ever really liked. That was his little buddy, and Lawrence was one of the first people I thought of as Jasper was dying. I knew he would be upset. His tribute to Jasper on “Fox & Friends” was so touching.

We have several good friends who we met through Jasper. He’d play with a dog at the park in Manhattan, greet another dog at a crab cake social in South Carolina, or chase a toy into the surf at the Jersey Shore with a new pal, and then Peter and I would have more friends with the dogs’ owners. Sometimes we only knew the dogs’ names – “You know, Scout’s mom…” and other times we would find ourselves invited to dinner at their homes for holiday meals. We were richer in friends because of Jasper.

Over the nine years of his life, Jasper’s love spread far and wide. And like a pebble tossed into Twilight Lake in New Jersey, his favorite fishing spot, it keeps rippling.

A good friend said this weekend that Jasper is probably still signing autographs in Heaven. That made me smile.

Another reminded us this weekend that grief is the price we pay for love. That made me cry. 

Loving Jasper was worth every penny and then some. Dagen McDowell of Fox Business would call that an excellent return on investment.

There wasn’t a day he didn’t make us laugh out loud, melt my heart, or smooth my rough edges.

As I finish this, the sun isn’t even up yet. I almost prefer sitting in the dark for a bit longer. Alone here in the quiet and in his presence. I miss him so much. I’m not sure how I’ll be without him. But I know I’m better for having known him and to have held him as we said goodbye.

Thank you all for loving Jasper and sharing him with us.

Goodbye, Jasper. Rest in Peace and in the quiet.



Sept. 6, 2021



To quote Will Rogers:

“The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can’t ask his patients what is the matter…  he’s got to just know.”

It all started yesterday morning with a trip to
the Vet’s office in Sun City, the town next to Menifee, 
for Toby’s check up. This was Toby’s
second trip to this office in 6 months, so yes
he remembered the place as soon as we drove
into the parking lot. He wasn’t very happy to see
the office or the other dogs waiting outside
the door of this Vet’s office. 
So, as soon as we
got a few inches from the door he bolted from
his collar and leash and took off running in the
parking lot.  A kind hearted woman offered to
help but as it turned out it only made matters
worse…Toby kept running…towards the busy
intersection, which we just minutes before
past through.
My heart was racing and I was screaming for
Toby to come back.  So you can imagine
my fear of him getting hit by a passing car.
Either he didn’t hear me or this was his
version of a marathon thru Sun City. 
Somehow, by a miracle, he crossed over
safely to the other side of the street and found
himself in a bank parking lot. 
I didn’t know this at first; I quickly as fast as I could jumped
into my BMW
and drove towards the area I thought he would be going.
There I saw from a distance away that a young girl had him
cornered for a few minutes of time;
I was saying to myself, thank God, it’s a woman
and not a man. Toby doesn’t do well with men.
By now I was getting closer to Toby but there
were just too many curbs and driveways to get
right to him. I’m honking my horn and yelling that
that’s “MY Dog”!!!
I must have scarred the young girl who was talking to Toby
because she backed off and then out of nowhere
there were 2 paramedics in their truck jumped in to help
capture my little Toby. And of course, they were
both men. My heart sunk a little lower this time
around because I could see Toby didn’t know which way to go.
So, he just kept running
thru several parking lots with a half dozen people
plus the ETM truck with the drivers
and myself in fast pursuit..
The people of Sun City, mostly retired folks
seemed to be enjoying this adventure. They
were looking and talking and pointing at
Toby as if he just escaped jail.
Now, I must say that the ETM guys were not
going to give up UNTIL…..
Toby bit, one of the guys and he stopped
long enough to ask my if my dog had his shots.
I yelled back “yes” and then thought back
6 months ago when I first brought Toby to this Vet
in Sun City to get his shots.  ahh….that’s
a close one avoided.
Do you want to know what happened next????
So, you think the story is over and we lived
happier ever after?
After, we got Toby in the car, he was pretty much
tired after his run and I was so shaken up I forgot
to give a “reward” to the man who finally  captured
my baby.
As the ETM’s ride by my car they gave me their “Thumbs Up”
and I in turn gave two thumbs up.
Are you still with Me?
There’s more to this little dog tale…..
I drove home with Toby in the back seat,
swung into my garage, closed it so he couldn’t
escape . Safe at home with Toby.
I called my neighbor, Elaine, a true dog lover
and proud owner of her own 2 dogs.
She had helped me in the morning to get Toby
into the car to begin with so I thought it was fitting
to tell her what happened in Sun City.
Elaine quickly came over to my home to help me
check out Toby who now had a limp in one leg.
Being a concerned dog person, both of us, we decided
to call the “Mobile Vet” to check out Toby because I
wasn’t sure if he was hit by a car during his run.
I left a message for them and prayed they would call back soon.
What if he was truly injured during his escape?
I wouldn’t be able to live with not treating him
right now. I couldn’t go back to the original Vet. However,
I called that Vet’s office and explained what happened
and that I would not be able to make our appointment.
(I was covering my bases because I didn’t want to be charged
for not showing up for my scheduled appointment)
Fortunately, they saw what was going on outside of their office and said okay.
A few minutes later, the 1st Vet returned my call.
She was very concerned
for Toby and gave me her words of wisdom.
(I’m sure she was hoping Toby was still alive
and she didn’t
lose a patient)
Still with me????
 The “Mobile Vet” called me back within an hour.
 I wasn’t sure how to express to them that I needed
an appointment…NOW.
A man answered my
call ( you know my thoughts about that already)
I said, “ my little dog just had a bad adventure
by the vet’s office and I need someone to check him
out”  before I could finish, he asked me if
my dog and I were the ones in the Sun City
parking lot by the bank a few minutes ago?
I, of course, said “yes”
He said, “Wow, everyone in the Sun City bank is
talking about you and your dog.  Our truck drove
into the lot just a few minutes after this happened.”
I was shocked to hear that this was the highlight of
the day for the residents in Sun City.
I think because Toby is now famous in that great
city that we got our appointment that afternoon,
at my home, without any additional incidents.
Just a large Vet bill.
But it was all worth it to have Toby safe and
in good care. He was not injured.
Thank  God!!!
My Toby story was written in 2009. He was my best little guy for over 15 years. He traveled with me many places including living with me in SALT LAKE CITY when I worked for the WINTER OLYMPICS. (2002) We had many happy times together. The above photo is of us when lived in Utah from 2001 to 2002. It was his groomer’s place
called LITTLE DOGS. Such a darling place with sweet people and only small dogs.
Toby passed away in July, 2011 in Oceanside, California.
Gone but not forgotten, my baby Toby. Buenos Noches.
By Barbara KisKis
April 3, 2020

All I want for Christmas Saga #5


May the Christmas festivities give your heart a reason
to feel happiness and make your life joyful.

Aunt Beatrice and Grandpa Jesse found them selves alone on Christmas morning.

“I don’t feel happiness, Jesse.”

“I don’t feel joyful, Bee.”

“What are the plans for the day?”

“Jesse, after I finish my coffee, I’m going for a long walk.”

“And after that? Where should we have dinner?”

“Buenos Aires comes to mind. If we get to the airport in the next hour, we can make it to Argentina by night fall.”

“You mean it, Bee. Fly out of here and join our family for Christmas? We can spend Christmas with Jesse, Julia and the twins.”

“Plus Bradley is down on the vineyard. I’m sure he will be excited to see us.”

“But Bee, aren’t you afraid to fly?”

“After a couple of shots of Tequila, I won’t know we are flying, in a plane.”

“I’ll call the airport and book us a private plane for our trip. Is that fine with you?”

“Sure is, I can’t stand crowds at airports or small seats on those planes. I feel like a sardine in a can.”

Grandpa Jesse laughed as he walked into the den to use his cell phone to make the arrangements.

Oh, what wonderful Christmas surprise.

( to be continued )


I Do, I Do Saga #24


It was Sam and Sarah’s wedding date but something was wrong….

Sarah was not marrying Sam but she was marrying Duke
on the same date that was reserved for her original wedding.

Was she happy?

Would she and Duke be happy together?

The answer was “YES”.

When Sarah walked down the aisle on her wedding day,

she was all smiles and had her eyes fixed on Duke standing at the altar.

They were in love.

Sarah said, “I Do.”

Duke said, “I DO.”

and just then the minister announced that they were husband and wife

and Duke kissed his bride.

( to be continued )