Greece Mystery Saga #9

Agent Charlie Chong was in pursuit of another agent from the AGENCY.

His assignment brought him to the island of Santorini, Greece.

His instructions were to “find” an Agent named Steven Summers,

who by all accounts was missing.

As Charlie stood on the patio of Agent Summers in the afternoon on a very hot day,

he came face to face with Summers and Kimberly King.

Charlie wondered why it was that easy to find the missing agent.

There must be more to the story.

“Charlie, how nice to see you again, so soon,” replied Kimberly King.

The look on Charlie’s face was beyond shock, he couldn’t reply to her.

Summers had introduced Kimberly as his fiancé.

“Please sit down, Charlie, I think you could use a drink.”

Steven fixed Charlie a drink which Charlie readily accepted.

“I think you need to tell me why the Agency said you were missing?”

“I think I can explain. They want you to kill me, Charlie.

Make it look like an accident.”

“But why Summers?”

“I know too much about their operation and their future plans.”

Charlie was processing what Summers was revealing to him.

“I don’t understand any of this; doesn’t make sense. And why are you here Kimberly?

On the plane you told me you were meeting your uncle, but it turns out

you had plans to marry this guy. Which doesn’t matter one way or another to me

but why the fake name?”

“Oh, you found out about my stolen identity?”

“I can explain,” Summers said. “You see we met online, five months ago, well

actually, it was a dating site. We fell in love, and I invited her to come over to the island

and spend some time together. After she arrived, I asked her to marry me.”

“I said yes, and I couldn’t be happier.”

“Wow, that’s some crazy love story, even though I don’t believe it.”

“Who picked your phony name?’

“Summers spoke, “I did. I told her to use that name as a cover in case she was followed.”

“And Kimberly went along with it willingly?”

“I did. Why not, it was a secret adventure to Greece. I had nothing to lose.”

Charlie scoffed at her words.

“Nothing to lose except your life.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Charlie. I’m safe here.”

“Are you, Kimberly or whatever your name is?”

“My name is Abbey. Abbey Adams.”

(To be continued)


Cocktail hour 🍸 A delicious Greek mati cocktail 💙 Santé 🍸(Στην υγειά σας) 💙

When Agent Charlie Chong arrived on the island of Santorini,

he saw tourists and locals enjoying cocktails in outdoor cafes.

Life was like a beach.

But for Charlie it was business, all business, no time to partake in a local drink.

Heading up the hill to the house of Steven Summers, he passed a few tourists looking

for a good time.

Why was he not on vacation?

His job, his job, he kept saying as the heat of the day was getting to him.

The temperature was near 100 degrees.

Fanning himself as he walked wishing

he could jump in the clear blue water below.

Arriving at the address he was given by the Agency, Charlie rang the door bell.

No answer.

Charlie walked around the back of apartment hoping to find someone

to ask about Summers.

What Charlie was not expecting was to come

face to face with Steven Summers himself.


“Are you looking for me?”

“You are Agent Summers, right?”

“One and the same. I suppose the Agency sent you?’

“Yes, I’m agent Chong.”

Charlie pulled out his badge and flashed it to Agent Summers.

“Sit down, Agent and have a drink with me, it’s almost cocktail time.”

Charlie looked at his watch, it was only 12:30 pm and by

cocktail standards, it’s not 5 pm yet.

“It’s too early for me, sir. But go ahead and enjoy.”

“Alright, I’ll do that…oh, by the way, have you met my fiancé?”

Charlie turned to see Kimberly King joining them on the patio.

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #7

Agent Chong had his bag packed and ready to go when he

realized his trip and assignment to Greece was just beginning.

Looking at his watch, he saw he only had an hour to check out of the hotel

and catch the ferry to Santorini.

No time for coffee.

His thoughts kept going back to Kimberly King.

Who was she. really?

Charlie had to focus on his real assignment and not a phantom girl.

Maybe once he was on the island, he would be able to follow his leads

which were provided by the Agency before left Washington D.C.

He had an address for Steven Summers, so he would start his search there.

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #6

Parthenon, temple that dominates the hill of the Acropolis at Athens.

It was built in the mid-5th century BCE and dedicated to the Greek goddess 

Athena Parthenos (“Athena the Virgin”).

Charlie Chong decided to take a stroll thru the city.

It was a very warm evening in Athens and most Greeks were roaming around trying

to stay cool. Greece was experiencing a Heat Wave with temperatures

reaching over 100 degrees during the day.

Charlie found an elegant restaurant that had a beautiful view of the Parthenon.

It was a perfect spot to relax and plan his assignment.

Charlie did order a glass of Chardonnay and thought of his buddy, Sam Harley.

“Sam, I’m making you proud, cheers.”

After a few more glasses of wine, Charlie was in a very good mood.

His smart phone went off and viewing the screen, he saw it was the Agency.

“Hello, Charlie, quick question, did I get that name right, Kimberly King?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Long silence on the other end of his phone.

“Charlie, Kimberly King has been deceased for four years.”

“How can that be true; we were on the same flight over here to Athens.”

“What can I say?”

“Wait, are the computers up and running right now?”


Run a check on Steven Summers, Agent Summers. Does he have any family, relatives?”

“Hold on I’ll check.”

Charlie downed another glass of wine while he was on hold.

After ten minutes, Lily returned to the phone to update Charlie.

“Charlie, I’m reading his file. No family, no relatives listed. Why?”

“Another question, did Agent Summers own a vineyard?”

“Let me check he file. No, there is no mention of his being involved with a vineyard.”

“Lily, thank you, I’ve gotta run.”

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #5

Agent Chong checked into his hotel room in Athens, Greece.

He was jet lagged so the first thing he did was to climb

into the comfy bed in his room.

Charlie set an alarm to wake himself up in four hours.

He figured that would give him plenty of time to catch a few ZZ’s

and then call the AGENCY.

Alarm went off in four hours and

Charlie was trying to figure out where the hell he was.

Looking around the room he realized where he was and then looked at his watch.

It’s been four short hours.

Charlie stumbled out of bed and when to the small refrigerator in the suite

and grabbed a Coca-Cola.

Ahhhh, how refreshing.

Charlie placed his call to the Agency.

After a dozen rings, Lily Jamison answered his call.

“Hey, Charlie, how’s the vacation?”

“Lily, it’s not a vacation, I’m on assignment.”

“What? Where?”

“I’m in Athens. I don’t have a lot of time to talk.

I need a background check on a Kimberly King.”

“Wow, you are moving fast.”

“It’s not personal, Lily. It’s all business.”

“OK, don’t get jumpy on me. Must have been a rough flight.”

“No, actually it was….interesting”

“Alright, I’ll do a background check, but our computers have been down all morning.”

“Must be the hot weather. It’s very hot here in Greece. Just call me back with the report.

And thank you.”

“I got you Mr. Agent in the field.”

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #4

Agent Chong and Ms. King exited their flight in the early afternoon,

local Athen’s time.

Standing outside of the airport at the arrival area they smiled at each other

and started to say good-bye when Kimberly asked, “Where are you headed, Charlie?”

“I’m staying here in Athens for a day or two.”

“After that, where is your next stop?”

Charlie didn’t want to reveal too much information to Ms. King.

He really didn’t know who she was and if the information she

gave him on the plane was true and actuate.

Once he got to his hotel, he would do a background check on her.

“I’m just playing it day by day.”

“Well, then this is good-by, Charlie. Thank you for the laughs and

if you get to Santorini, look me up. My uncle’s name is Steven Summers.”

Kimberly hopped in a taxi and waved back at Charlie.

Charlie couldn’t believe what he just heard from Kimberly.

Her uncle is the missing agent he was supposed to find on the island.

What are the chances of that?

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #3

Charlie and Kimberly chatted on the plane flight

to Athens sitting next to each other.

“Charlie, you haven’t told me what’s your occupation?”

Since Charlie can’t reveal he is a secret agent on a mission, he lied.

“I’m in the hospitality business.”

“Like hotels and restaurant?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Why are going to Greece, Charlie?”

“Oh, I’m on vacation.” (Another lie)

“How about you, Kimberly. Vacation?”

“Yes, I’m going to visit my uncle on the Island of Santorini.

he owns a small vineyard, and he invited me to spend the Summer.”

“You are a lucky girl.”

“Charlie, do you like fortune cookies?”


Kimberly rummaged through her bag and pulled out a takeout container

filled with fortune cookies.

“Well, do you?”

Charlie looked at the cookies that were being offered to him

and immediately thought of his aunt, Madame Wong.

He smiled and gracefully accept one cookie.

“Where did you get these?”

“Oh, my boyfriend and I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant

before he took me to the airport. We didn’t have time to open our fortunes.

Go ahead and open yours.”

“Ladies first.”

“Ok, OK, I love these cookies.”

Giggling Kimberly read her fortune to Charlie.


“That’s an interesting one,” said Charlie.

“It’s a good one because I like surprises.”

“Your turn, Charlie.”

Charlie broke open his fortune cookie and pulled out the saying.

He laughed and then read his fortune.


Kimberly grabbed the fortune from Charlie and said, “No, I don’t believe you.”

Laughing she read the real fortune saying.


“My, my Charlie you are so busted. But I love your sense of humor.”

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga #2

Agent Chong was on a midnight flight from Washington D.C. to Athens, Greece.

He was fortunate to have first-class accommodations.

The flight attendant greeted him with a cocktail after he boarded

and claimed his seat next to the window.

Even though Charlie rarely drank, he accepted the drink and downed it quickly.

He knew he was in for a long flight to Athens.

“That was a record.”

Charlie looked around the cabin and saw a beauty young girl

addressing him.

“Are you timing me?”

“No, not really. Hi, I’m Kimberly King.”

Nice to meet you, Kimberly, I’m Charlie Chong.”

Charlie was taken back by her looks and sophisticated manner.

Maybe, this was a start of a new friendship since they were both

traveling to Greece.

Even though most of the first-class passenger fell asleep during

the flight, Charlie and Kimberly continued their conversation.

Charlie found out that Kimberly was still a student at Yale and

majoring in Law.

Charlie had graduated from Yale a few years back.

This gave them both more to discuss.

Kimberly liked to drink, so she kept ordering cocktails

throughout their flight.

Charlie was in disbelief about her alcohol consumption.

Where was she storing this stuff, he thought but he was

quite taken by her so he disregarded it.

Maybe it was his first mistake and red flag.

(To be continued)

Mystery in Greece Saga

(Photo by Valdemaras D. on

Agent Charlie Chong was due a vacation from the Agency

and he chose Greece as his destination.

He was packed and ready to go when the director of the Agency,

Darren Downs, called Charlie into his office.

“Good afternoon, Charlie. I understand from Personnel you are headed out on vacation

for a week.”

“Yes, sir. I’m flying to Athens tonight.”

“Good, good, that’s good.”

Charlie thought what was so good about his trip to Greece that the Director

repeated the word three times.

“Charlie, sit down. We need to talk.”

Those dreaded words.

Charlie didn’t want to hear those words, but he was forced to listen.

“Mr. Chong, you have been with our Agency for almost two years and

your work record is good but not exceptional. I would like to change that for you.”

Charlie listened closely; Mr. Downs was now referring to him as Mr. Chong.

Was Charlie going to be fired.

“There is a situation in Greece where we could use your help.”

“Sure, Mr. Downs, whatever I can do to help.”

Charlie was feeling relieved, he wasn’t going to be fire after all.

“Good. Glad you are on board.”

There was that word again, GOOD.

“Charlie, one of our retired agents has been living on one of the Greek islands

for the past ten years. About a week ago, he disappeared. I need you to find him.”

“On my vacation, sir?”

“Your vacation is null and void. Check with Personnel, they will give you

all the details. And good luck, Charlie.”

Agent Chong staggered out of the Directors office and into the hallway

with a confused look on his face.

No vacation time.

(To be continued)


It was a couple of months later, Misty was out celebrating with her friend, 

Liz at a Chicago restaurant, when she received a phone call from Sam Houston.

“I know I shouldn’t be calling you, but I had to tell you how I felt about you.”

“Sam, it’s good to hear your voice.”

“Misty, I wanted to tell you that my wife, Cinnamon and I are getting a divorce.”

“Sam, I’m sorry to hear about your divorce but I must confess,

 the rumors have been swirling around the Agency about you…us.”

“I know, I’ve heard those same rumors, except they are not rumors,

they are true. Misty, I was hoping to come to Chicago and see you.”

“Why Sam Houston, are you saying you have feelings for me?”

“Yes, Misty, I’m hopeless, in love with you.”

“How soon can you get to Chicago?”

“Well, if you turned your chair around, you would see I was standing 

in the entrance to the restaurant.”

Misty dropped her phone on the table and looked in Sam’s direction.

There stood Sam with his cowboy hat and Western boots carrying a dozen white roses and smiling.

Misty couldn’t run fast enough towards Sam. 

“Sam, you are one big surprise. You know I fell in love with you

back on the island.”

“Yes, I know, Misty. Ditto for me.”

They kissed as the restaurant patrons clapped.



June 16, 2024