Honeymoon in Paris Saga #11

Sam Harley felt at a loss as he walked the streets in Paris.

Another lost love.


Sam saw his phone buzz.

It was James, his best friend calling.

“Sam, Sam are you there?”

Sam disconnected the call; he was not ready to talk about

what happened.

Sam found himself going back to the French police station.

He needed his gun back.

Sargeant More was on duty and greeted Sam.

“I was just about to call you Agent Harley.

I have good news for you. We can return your revolver back to you.”

“Yes, that’s great. Thank you.”

Sam looked down and out.

“You know you shouldn’t be so sad. Life happens.

I read about your wife’s condition in the newspaper.

I’m so sorry.”

Sam looked at Sargeant Madeline More and said, “Thank you.”

“Do you like jazz?”

“Sam replied, “It’s a favorite of mine. Why?”

“There’s a jazz club on the Left Bank that I go to a few nights a week.

Just to clear my head after working this job.”

Sam laugh, “I know the feeling.”

“Would you like to join me tonight, oh, I’m not calling it a date.

A friend meeting a friend for good jazz music and a stiff drink.”

“I would like that. Friend to friend.”

Madeline gave Sam the address of the jazz club and

just like that, Sam was back in the saddle again.



May 22, 2024


The photo in this post features a MORRIS COLUMN.

A Morris column – In the 14th arrondissement of Paris –

These columns are an iconic part of Paris cityscape.

There are more than 500 colonnes Morris spread in Paris.

They are all green and cylindrical and used for advertising shows and films.

The interior of some of the Morris columns allows

the storage of city maintenance equipment.

The first 100 Morris columns were installed in Paris in the mid 19th c.

They are named after Gabriel Morris, a printer,

who held the concession for advertising in 1868.

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