Mystery in Greece Saga

(Photo by Valdemaras D. on

Agent Charlie Chong was due a vacation from the Agency

and he chose Greece as his destination.

He was packed and ready to go when the director of the Agency,

Darren Downs, called Charlie into his office.

“Good afternoon, Charlie. I understand from Personnel you are headed out on vacation

for a week.”

“Yes, sir. I’m flying to Athens tonight.”

“Good, good, that’s good.”

Charlie thought what was so good about his trip to Greece that the Director

repeated the word three times.

“Charlie, sit down. We need to talk.”

Those dreaded words.

Charlie didn’t want to hear those words, but he was forced to listen.

“Mr. Chong, you have been with our Agency for almost two years and

your work record is good but not exceptional. I would like to change that for you.”

Charlie listened closely; Mr. Downs was now referring to him as Mr. Chong.

Was Charlie going to be fired.

“There is a situation in Greece where we could use your help.”

“Sure, Mr. Downs, whatever I can do to help.”

Charlie was feeling relieved, he wasn’t going to be fire after all.

“Good. Glad you are on board.”

There was that word again, GOOD.

“Charlie, one of our retired agents has been living on one of the Greek islands

for the past ten years. About a week ago, he disappeared. I need you to find him.”

“On my vacation, sir?”

“Your vacation is null and void. Check with Personnel, they will give you

all the details. And good luck, Charlie.”

Agent Chong staggered out of the Directors office and into the hallway

with a confused look on his face.

No vacation time.

(To be continued)

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